CESTA Seminar Series
On most Tuesdays at lunchtime (12-1:15PM) during the academic quarter, researchers from across the Stanford community and beyond come together for presentations of new work in the digital humanities.
Currently, our events are primarily in a hybrid format, with some entirely online. You may join our events remotely via Zoom by contacting Office Management Intern, Daniela Perez at perezd20 [at] stanford.edu (perezd20[at]stanford[dot]edu). If you do not have Zoom installed, you can download it for free here.
Recordings of some of our past seminars are available on CESTA's Youtube Channel.
Past Events
Sounds are omnipresent in our everyday lives: cars whizzing around the corner or honking their horns, the wind rustling in the autumn leaves, people chatting, whispering, laughing.
This talk will explore the findings of Maurice and Brad's chapter in the forthcoming Oxford volume, New Approaches to Emerson, in which they apply various digital methodologies to Emerson…
How can textual analysis methods help historians to utilize the archival trove of oral histories that have been digitized in the past decade, along with those interviews born digital?
In medieval churches, liturgical monumental installations were fundamental for both the setting and practice…
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put cultural heritage right in the line of fire.
The Know Systemic Racism team has been working on data-driven projects intended to make systemic racism evident.
The Mediterranean has always been a place of trade and migration. Early modern diasporas imparted further impetus to these exchanges, fostering the circulation of people, books, and ideas.
In this talk, Abbiati will explore how contemporary novels that depict the pain of IRA terrorism represent the perspective of victims.
EpicConnect is an education technology product specifically designed to benefit community college instructors, and it is being built at CESTA.…