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Global Horizons for the Digital and Public Humanities

Mon April 22nd - Thu April 25th 2024, All day

CESTA will be hosting a group of scholars, students, and professors from the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH), a part of the Department of Humanities of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, with the support of Stanford Humanities Center, under the umbrella of "Global Horizons for Digital and Public Humanities" programming. The scholars are visiting Stanford between April 22nd and April 25th. They and CESTA members will be delivering papers, attending workshops, collaborating together, and imagining the "Global Horizons". The full schedule of the events open to all Stanford staff, faculty, and students is below. Please note that these events are for Stanford affiliates, with the exception of the Data Feminism for AI event and the Mellon Sawyer Seminar, "Data of Enslavement". If you have any questions about the events, please email eeyurek [at] (eeyurek[at]stanford[dot]edu).

You can also join us via Zoom. Register here!

Monday, April 22nd

11 am-12 pm, Paper Session 1, Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

Nautical Passages: Building Networks and Narratives Across Cultural Objects

Heiner Krellig (Ca’ Foscari/Berlin) “Aesthetics of Water in Venice”

Ilaria Sicari (Stanford/Ca’ Foscari) “Solzhenitsyn Galaxy”

Grant Parker (Stanford), “Exploring South African Archives Digitally”

Tuesday, April 23rd

11 am-12 pm, Workshop, Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

Digital and Public Publishing of Humanities Research

Alix Keener (Stanford)

Nicole Coleman (Stanford)

Jasmine Mulliken (Stanford University Press) 

12-1 pm, “Data Feminism” Reading Group with Chloé Brault (Stanford) and Matt Warner (Stanford), Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

RSVP required. RSVP here

1-2 pm, Paper Session 2, Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

Museum-islands: New Technologies for Heritage Studies

Fabio Pittarello (Ca' Foscari), “Exploring Artists' Lives with the Space-Time Cube”

Elisa Corrò (Ca' Foscari) and Nevio Danelon (Ca' Foscari/Duke University), “The Evolving Mind: Public Engagement and the Shifting Landscape of Heritage”

Martin Critelli (Ca’ Foscari), “The H2IOSC project: a services integration for a deep analysis of texts and images”

2:10-3 pm, Roundtable on "Virtual and Augmented Reality for Digital and Public Humanities", Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

Cyan DeVeaux (Stanford)

Elaine Lai (Stanford) 

Aftab Hafeez (Stanford) 

Nevio Danelon (Duke/Ca’ Foscari)

Elisa Corro (Ca’ Foscai)

3:10-3:55 pm, Paper Session 3, Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

Water Currents: Multiple Approaches to Singular Cultural Archives

Simon Levis Sullam (Ca’ Foscari), “The Antisemite in the City: Close and Distant Reading of French Digital Sources”

Maria Vittoria Curtolo (Ca’ Foscari), “Philosophical Texts Traveling on Water”

4-6 pm, Streaming Stanford University’s Presidential Lecture with Mary Beard on “Unlocking the Cases: Museums and the Anxiety of History”, Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

Wednesday, April 24th

9:30-10:45 am, Paper Session 4, Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

Archives in Flux: Data Loss and Digital Editing

Corinna Guerra (Ca’ Foscari), “A Fluid Edition on Practical Knowledge about the Lagoon of Venice”

Benedetta Bessi (Ca’ Foscari), “Digital Islands: Modeling the Isolaria (15th-17th c.) between Text and Space"

Elaine Treharne (Stanford), “On the 1966 Florence Flood”

Stefania de Vincentis (Ca’ Foscari) and Paolo Berti (Ca’ Foscari), “Venice as a Digital Dungeon: Imaginaries in Media Culture” 

12:45-2 pm, Paper Session 5, Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

Linguistic Rivers: Digital Methods of Language Analysis

Daniele Fusi (Ca’ Foscari), “Rehydrating Language Rhythm Through the Waves of Time: New Metrical Analysis Tools”

Antonio Pagliara (Ca’ Foscari) and Danielle Baglioni (Ca’ Foscari), “Allographic Texts: Contacts Between Mediterranean Languages and Scripts”

Jessica Puliero (Ca’ Foscari), “Notes on the Lexicon of Fishing: a Journey Between Etymology and Digital Ontology in the Venetian Lagoon”

Flavia Bruni (Ca’ Foscari), “Sentenced to Row: Planning Data Extraction from 18th-Century Condemnations to the Papal Galleys” 

2:15-3 pm, Paper Session 6, Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A

Intervention: Material Perspectives on Culture and Heritage Studies

Krish Seetah (Stanford)

Aleks Plukowski (University of Reading) 

4:30-6 pm, CESTA and Stanford Data Science’s co-hosted lecture on “Data Feminism for AI” by Lauren Klein (Emory University) with responses by Adrian Daub (Stanford) and Chiara Sabatti (Stanford)John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Rotunda, E241 at the ChEM-H / Neuro

Registration required. Register here

6-6:30 pm, “Data Feminism for Artificial Intelligence” Reception and Discussion 

Thursday, April 25th

12-1 pm, Workshop on “Future Horizons for Digital and Public Humanities with Lightning Talks”Wallenberg Hall, 4th Floor

Lead by Chloé Brault (Stanford), Charlotte Lindemann (Stanford), William Parish (Stanford).

Registration required. Register with your project pitch here. 

3-4:30 pm, Mellon Sawyer Seminar on “Data of Enslavement”Wallenberg Hall, Room 433A