Know Systemic Racism: Was the police killing of Oscar Grant justified? How do we change the question?

The Know Systemic Racism team has been working on data-driven projects intended to make systemic racism evident. This public humanities work is guided by the intention of "humanizing the harm" of systemic racism.
The team will share three works in progress: an interactive data story of Oscar Grant's life and death within a historical context of discriminatory policies and societal prejudice; a web-based application that makes visible the militarization of California law enforcement; and a project that encourages Stanford Students today to engage with the experience and activism of Black students at Stanford from the past.
Know Systemic Racism is a project of Stanford Libraries led by the inaugural Racial Justice and Social Equity Librarian, Felicia Smith. The projects presented are the work of CESTA interns and Stanford Libraries interns led by digital research architect, Nicole Coleman. KSR and the students work in partnership with the Center for Racial Justice, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the American Friends Service Committee, and investigative journalists.
This event is cosponsored with African & African American Studies (AAAS) and the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE).
The presentation will include lunch and take place at the Stanford Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis in Wallenberg 433A. A Zoom link is available upon request from Center Manager, Jonathan Clark (jclark93 [at] (jclark93[at]stanford[dot]edu)).
About the Speakers:

Akosua Kissi: Senior majoring in Political Science at Stanford. She has been part of the lab since January working on standardizing data collection measurers and bringing in complimentary data points to our research on systemic racism.

Disha Shidham: Second year student majoring in Environmental Engineering with an interest in Geospatial Technology (GIS) and Humanities. As part of the Know Systemic Racism Project, Disha has analyzed and parsed LEA procedural policies using fine-tuned Natural Language Processing (NLP) models and Named Entity Recognition (NER) data extraction.

Mahogany Brown: Junior Majoring in Management Science & Engineering at Stanford. As part of the Know Systemic Racism Project, she has contributed to the website’s content and design, and has aided in overall data collection and organization for the project.

Thalia Rae Revilla: Junior majoring in Sociology with a focus on Data Science, Markets, and Management.

Tian Hong Zhu Zhou: Sophomore majoring in Computer Science at De Anza College. As part of the Know Systemic Racism project, Tian has contributed to collecting, cleaning and uploading data to wikidata. He will continue working on the development of an application based on a Neo4j graph database for the project.

Tracy Wei: Frosh majoring in Symbolic Systems at Stanford.