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2024 CESTA Research Anthology is Out!

The 2024 CESTA Research Anthology is out! Every year, several dozen Stanford undergraduates from a broad range of majors and minors join the CESTA community as research aides and researchers. Over one or more quarters, these students collaborate with faculty and graduate students on cutting-edge research in the digital humanities. The capstone for our interns is the submission of a research report under the supervision of their project leads. The Anthology brings together these reports, offering a student's-eye view on the work that's been accomplished at CESTA over the course of the year. 

This year's anthology was designed by Karina Aguilar Guerrero, MA student in Latin American Studies at UCLA, and Sera Wang, CESTA Undergraduate Design Intern. The main design theme for this year's anthology is dandelions. In her statement about the design, Sera Wang says, "This year for the 2024 CESTA Research Anthology, we decided on dandelions as our central theme. In a rapid age of digitalization and AI, where we’re so often caught up in our thoughts and in the internet, we wanted to return to nature and our physical world. Dandelions, while considered a weed in some cultures, possess many admirable traits: they’re used in many types of folk medicines for illness, they’re resilient and able to thrive in the harshest of circumstances, and they’re available in every continent, making them a kind of connector in our world. In a difficult year such as 2024, these are characteristics we need now more than ever." We invite you to read more about the design statement in the anthology itself. 

The physical prints of the anthology will be available in the next couple of weeks. You can access its digital version below! We also have published our new interactive platform, CESTA-I/O, for the most recent student research articles.

View the 2024 Research Anthology here.

View student articles on CESTA-I/O here.

View anthologies from other years here.