Announcing CESTA's 2023 Research Anthology!
The 2023 CESTA Anthology showcases the progress made in the course of the year presented from the point of view of the undergraduates involved in various projects. These students participate in CESTA's work through the selective Undergraduate Research Intersnhip Program which runs part time in the Winter and Spring and full time in the Summer.
The program gives students the opportunity to work with us to bring together humanistic research and technology to foster and discover new ideas and to propel humanities research forward in numerous fields and disciplines. It is such a joy to see the CESTA mission to support collobrative, multidisciplinary, and transgenerational work in action, in the collective voices in these pages, where students describe the work they do with faculty and other project leads. The Design Squiggle that the students chose as the theme of this year's Anthology, a creative representation of the resarch process itself, precisely attests to their immersive and exciting experience.
During the summer especially the CESTA halls come alive as students get to know faculty and other studentes from their project - through their daily work - and beyond - through intensive research conversation and activities. For examples, this past summer, the CESTA students interacted with the Data Science program interns, as both worked on the same floor and shared a field trip to the San Jose Computer History Museum. This past year undergraduate inters also contributed to DH graduate fellows' projects. In these pages you can read the results of these new collaborations.
As always, we are deeply grateful to our allies and friends all across campus, particularly to our partner the Stanford Humanities Center and our sponsors (VPUE, VPDoR, and the H&S Dean's Office). Thanks also to the CESTA team who made this effort possible: Alix Keener, Jonathan Clark, Dr. Will Fenton and the graduate mentors, Annie Lamar and JJ Lugardo.
Giovanna Ceserani, CESTA Faculty Director