DH Community Engagement Resources on Tuesday

Join CESTA affiliates for a discorrelated day with academic researchers working at the intersection of the digital and humanities for a slate of community engagement events. This distributed initiative begins with what we hope can become a daylong discussion on the political aesthetics of algorithms.

Some of us will meet at 12 p.m. noon for Discorrelation, or: Images between Algorithms and Aesthetics.. Associate Professor of Art History Shane Denson will present material from his new book Discorrelated Images (Duke 2020). Looking at the ways in which digital glitches have been implemented in contemporary audiovisual narratives, this presentation argues that new forms of sensibility and collectivity may become thinkable in the spaces opened up by post-cinematic media – and proposes that new ways of being and relating to the world may arise by reconciling the degradation of minor ontologies.

Please register to attend Shane Denson's CESTA seminar on Zoom.
To participate in future events with the DH community election committee, please contact one of the organizers directly.

Quinn Dombrowski (Academic Technology Specialist in the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages at StanfordU)
Elizabeth Grumbach (Digital Humanities Initiative Program Lead at the Institute for Humanities Research at ASU)
Nika Mavrody (programming and events graduate coordinator at CESTA)