Student Spotlight

Intern Spotlight: Vincent Nicandro

Vincent Nicandro

Vincent Nicandro is a rising junior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Classics. Interested in the interaction between technology and the humanities, Vincent came to CESTA with an interest to bridge his two main focuses of study and is excited to be working at the forefront of the digital humanities field. As a person who has worked in both technical and humanist-centered studies, he was drawn to the digital humanities as an intentional, human-centered approach in considering how we interact with rapidly advancing technology, and CESTA is the hub of this kind of thinking on campus and in the DH community.

The project he is working on marries both of his interests into something that’s "really cool and humbling to be a part of." He currently works on the Urban Legacy of Ancient Rome project with Erik Steiner, Director of the Spatial History Project at CESTA, and Jim Tice, professor at the University of Oregon. Vincent works in digitizing historic maps of Ancient Rome and georeferencing archival photographs associated with their archaeological sites. Outside of CESTA, you can find Vincent biking to Starbucks, singing with Stanford Talisman, and planning his latest trip to Disneyland.

His dream job is to be an Imagineer, which in a way relates to the work he's doing here in using technology to find new ways to visualize and tell stories. Working on this project with Erik and Jim has made him excited about the potential for the ways technology can be used to glean new information and uncover new trends that may not have yet considered.