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Project Progress: Global Medieval Sourcebook

Jonathan Morales

The Global Medieval Sourcebook is a free, open access, and open source teaching and research tool.


This summer, our research intern Irene Han is making major improvements to the GMS website using content-management framework Drupal. Her focus is on streamlining accessibility by incorporating the following two components: a Timeline JS module and a system that will place documents into collections based on theme. The former is reaching its final stages (above) and is ready to be implemented onto the platform. The collection system, however, still requires additional stylistic consideration. Irene is in the process of brainstorming approaches that will be easy-to-use and aesthetically pleasing for both scholars and the general audience. One thought has been using Slick to mimic a vertical, Netflix-esque slider that will house the archival documents.

GMS currently offers a flexible online display for the parallel viewing of medieval texts in their original language, in new English translations, and in their digitized manuscript form. CESTA has supported this project by providing project incubation, grant support, student research assistance and training, and the critical collaborative space needed since 2016. In 2017, The Global Medieval Sourcebook was selected as a NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant recipient.  

Why are these medieval texts important? Read Hyperallergic’s take on it. Want to know more? Check out what the Stanford Report has to say about GMS here

From the writer’s desk
I’m Jonathan Morales, a rising junior majoring in Computer Science + English. As a summer intern, I’m working on strengthening external communications––it’s been a great time learning all about the innovative projects that CESTA supports!