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Hyunjip Kim

Project Title
The Sources of Ancient Philosophy at a Glance

B.A. (Hons) Literae Humaniores, Magdalen College, University of Oxford, 2016

M.A. Classics, Language and Literature, Stanford University, 2017

Project Description

In this project, I am developing a digital map of the sources for ancient philosophy. Much of what we know about Greek and Roman philosophy relies on intermediary sources, and understanding the nature of this mediation is crucial for a judicious engagement with ancient philosophy. My goal is to present this network of sources in a clear, intuitive format, so that it can be taken in at a glance: how many layers of sources stand between us and the (now lost) original source, how the secondary sources relate to each other, which secondary source has an outsized influence, and so on. The task is to make the data better navigable and their interconnections more apparent.