The CESTA Research Anthology is an annual publication which showcases the work of our many vibrant research projects, as seen by our undergraduate research interns.
Every year, several dozen Stanford undergraduates from a broad range of majors and minors join the CESTA community as research aides and researchers. Over one or more quarters, these students collaborate with faculty and graduate students on cutting-edge research in the digital humanities. The capstone for our interns is the submission of a research report under the supervision of their project leads. The Anthology brings together these reports, offering a student's-eye view on the work that's been accomplished at CESTA over the course of the year. New for 2022 is the inclusion of reports by our Digital Humanities Research Scholars on their own exciting research endeavors.
The Anthology is shaped by our student researchers in another way too: since 2020, two of our former undergraduate students have been selected each year to serve as the Anthology's lead designers, including determining a theme or concept to guide the overall look and feel of the publication. We hope that you enjoy reading about what we've been up to!

CESTA Research Anthology 2024

CESTA Research Anthology 2023

CESTA Research Anthology 2022

CESTA Research Anthology 2021

CESTA Research Anthology 2020