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Digital humanities (DH) is a multi- and interdisciplinary field as well as a set of methods and approaches that combine computational methods with humanistic inquiry. Digital humanities practice often also involves critical evaluation and reflection on the tools that enable the work.

The resources linked below range from resources at Stanford (and beyond) for conducting and publishing DH research to information about participating in the DH community.

Resources at Stanford
  • Stanford Libraries' Digital Humanities research and subject LibGuide
  • Stanford Libraries' Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR) provides workshops and consultations on a broad range of topics related to digital humanities and social sciences 
  • Data Management Services in the Libraries assists Stanford researchers with the organization, management, and curation of research data to enhance its preservation and access now and into the future
  • The Stanford Geospatial Center supports the use of spatial data, methods, and technology in research and teaching at Stanford University. The SGC provides access to a wide range of resources, including (but not limited to!) Esri's ArcGIS
  • The Stanford Office of Digital Accessibility serves the Stanford community by providing technical guidance, techniques for achieving accessibility, and best practices for accessible electronic content
  • Stanford Domains is a website hosting platform that allows users to easily install apps like WordPress or Omeka, with 50+ other apps to choose from

You can also get in touch directly with Alix Keener, CESTA's Digital Scholarship Coordinator.

Grants and Funding
Online Resources