Evelyn Gius and Svenja Guhr: Introduction to CATMA 7 - Software for Digital Text Annotation and Analysis

Thu November 16th 2023, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Wallenberg Hall, 433A

This workshop introduces the practice of digital text annotation with CATMA 7 (Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis). CATMA is an annotation tool specifically designed for humanities research practice. The software can be used to manage multiple projects that combine documents, annotation categories, and team members. At the core of the software is the annotation area, where texts can be annotated either with predefined categories or according to heuristics developed during the research process. All annotations and comments can then be analyzed, visualized and quantitatively evaluated. 

This workshop is cosponsored with the Department of English.

The workshop will include coffee and pastries and take place at the Stanford Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis in Wallenberg 433A. A Zoom link is available upon request from Office Management Intern, Daniela Perez (perezd20 [at] stanford.edu (perezd20[at]stanford[dot]edu)).


About the Presenters:

Evelyn Gius


Evelyn Gius is Professor of Digital Philology and Modern German Literary Studies, and Director of the fortext lab. She has been working in the field of Digital Humanities for about 15 years. Her research interests lie mainly in the field of Computational Literary Studies and include in particular (computational) narratology, manual annotation, questions of operationalisation and conflicts in literature and literary studies. 




Svenja Guhr


Svenja Guhr is a research associate at the fortext lab and has an academic background in German literature, Romance linguistics, and Digital Humanities. As a computational literary studies scholar, her PhD project focuses on the operationalisation and analysis of sound and loudness as narratological phenomena in German-language literary prose of the 19th and early 20th centuries.