- Announcements
Introducing CESTA’s 2025 Winter/Spring Undergraduate Research Aides, a community of digital humanities researchers.
The Center for Textual and Spatial Analysis at Stanford runs undergraduate research programs in the winter, spring, and…
- Announcements
The Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) is proud to introduce our new platform, CESTA-I/O (Interactive/Online), which will house the digital, online editions of our annual research anthologies. Each year, Stanford undergraduates from…
- Announcements
In a new episode with the New Books Network, CESTA Faculty Director Giovanna Ceserani discusses her new digital publication, A World Made by Travel: A Digital Grand Tour (Stanford University Press, 2024), with her former…
CESTA welcomes our new cohort of Digital Humanities Research Scholars! This year's cohort includes graduate students from anthropology, art history, classics, East Asian Languages and Cultures, history, Modern Thought and Literature, Slavic…
- Announcements
CESTA is proud to announce the launch of The Data That Divides Us Colloquy, a collaborative and thought-provoking exploration of the critical intersections between data and the humanities, published as part of Stanford Arcade Colloquia. This…