Mapping Rome ... Not in a Day

Wed August 31st 2016, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Wallenberg 433A
Mapping Rome ... Not in a Day
CESTA invites you to attend a public workshop featuring our ongoing collaborative research project on the architectural and urban development of Rome from antiquity to the present. Drawing from the great masters of Roman cartography and topography (e.g. Forma Urbis, Nolli, Vasi, Lanciani, etc.), the project seeks to digitize and mine these documentary visual artifacts to analyze the spatial history of the Eternal City and build a collaborative research infrastructure for its study.

The event is being held in conjunction with a gathering of the project team members from Stanford, Dartmouth College, and University of Oregon and will include a presentation of current efforts but will focus on a discussion of future endeavors. A project presentation will be followed by a panel discussion focused on providing critical feedback and clarifying future priorities.
Please join us for what promises to be a stimulating and unique session. 
Nicola Camerlenghi (Art History, Dartmouth College)
James Tice (Architecture, University of Oregon)
Erik Steiner (Spatial History Project, CESTA)
Giovanni Svevo (Roman Archeologist)
Cathy Aster (DLSS, Stanford Libraries)

Nicholas Jenkins (English)
Giovanna Ceserani (Classics)
Stace Maples (Stanford Geospatial Center)