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Grace Sperber

Chemistry and History Major
Undergraduate Research Intern
Project Title
From Emigrant to Settler: Food in 19th Century Institutions of Immigration
UG Research Intern Cohort Year

Grace Sperber is a sophomore double majoring in Chemistry and History who is fascinated by the structures of everything from political states to molecules and how they change over time. Starting with an interest in medieval illuminated manuscripts, she began to focus on how the materiality of text technologies change their meanings and applied this lens to constitutional legal history during a gap year fellowship. At CESTA, Grace is working with Kimberly Conner on her project, “From Emigrant to Settler: Food in 19th Century Institutions of Immigration” which explores the experiences of female immigrants in 19th century Australia through the material evidence they left under the floorboards. When not writing or looking at records of objects under floorboards, Grace enjoys Kendo, ballet, calligraphy and badly thought-out hikes.
